Andrew O’Donnell was born into a family that lived and breathed the financial industry.  Many a family meal was spent discussing markets, wealth accumulation, estate planning, tax strategies and new products and services for companies and families. A graduate of  Ridley College, he obtained his Bachelor of Arts  from the University of Western Ontario. Both of these school allowed Andrew to build lasting relationships with people from around the world, providing a truly global perspective to his approach. He began his career in Calgary as an advisor with Standard Life but branched out to include stocks, bonds and derivatives products when he took his book to Merrill Lynch. The focus was on providing thoughtful planning, high performance and structured strategies.

Throughout his career Mr. O’Donnell has worked at various levels of the financial service industry culminating as a Managing Director of an offshore ‘captive insurance company’ in Barbados which he created with Willis Canada for a land banking company. He has created structured products and is always looking for innovative, interesting market advantages. 

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