Founded in 2009, Yukon Mining Alliance (“YMA”), the globally recognized Invest Yukon brand – is a strategic industry alliance of Yukon’s leading exploration, development, and mining companies, focused on creating innovative capital attraction initiatives to promote Yukon’s competitive advantages as a top mineral investment jurisdiction, its member companies and their Yukon-based projects. YMA’s initiatives include international investment focused conferences, events, and campaigns in the North American, European, and global financial markets.
Yukon’s rich mineral industry is rooted in the famous 1896 Klondike Gold Rush, and in the largely underexplored geological potential in gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, tungsten, and PGM’s.
As a geopolitical stable first-world region with advanced northern infrastructure, Yukon stands apart in its partnership and commitment to advancing a progressive, modern mining jurisdiction, founded in ESG principles.
Yukon Mining Alliance collaborates with industry, organizations, and governments to connect investors with Invest Yukon globally.